Language, Technology & Today

Language as the technology of human extension, whose powers of division and separation we know so well, may have been the “Tower of Babel” by which men sought to scale the highest heavens. Today computers hold out the promise 

Marshall McLuhan
  • Understanding Translation as a Business Practice

    Translation, Technology & Business Translation as a Tool of Industry In today’s post we’re going to be exploring how translation has evolved into a global business, deeply embedded in concepts of marketing and business. In particular, we’re going to focus our attention on the concepts of globalisation & localisation, learning what exactly they are and…

  • Princeton Wordnet Explained

    What is a Wordnet? Princeton wordnet explained synsets, hierarchy & structure Synsets As mentioned above, a word net groups words into synsets based on how closely they’re related, using meaning and sense to organise these synsets. Let’s take a moment to understand what exactly the characteristics of a synset are.n A synset displays a collection…

  • Word Sketch : What is it and how do we use it?

    Today we are going to take a look at Sketch Engine and learn how to access and use this resource. What is Sketch Engine? Before we dive into how to use Sketch Engine, let’s take some time to understand what exactly it is. Sketch Engine is a language resource that provides linguists access to multiple…

  • What is a corpus?

    Today we are going to explore the world of corpora. What is a corpus, how do we use it and what insights can it offer into linguistic studies? Let’s find out. What is a corpus & how do we use it? So what exactly is a corpus? In its most simple of terms, a…

  • The origin of language, was it invented or has it always been there?

    Today, we’re going to dive into the historical development of language and find out how th origin of language What is language? Defining Language If we’re going to be talking about whether or not language can be considered an invention, then we need to start at the beginning. What exactly is language? Unfortunately, the answer…

  • Welcome ~

    Welcome to the first post of this language blog, I hope you’re happy to be here! Language and technology are ever evolving tools that shape and effect our experience of the world around us, but accessing the relevant knowledge to use these tools can be a daunting experience. This blog aims to shed a bit…

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